Water Boards and TKI Water Technology connect with CoRe Water
What does water purification of the future look like? With the CoRe Water concept this will be fundamentally different than at present. The first step is to thicken the waste water by a factor of twenty by means of membrane filtration. Then the concentrated stream (one of the twenty parts) is purified in several steps, the remaining nineteen parts are released as pure water. Today, three water boards, TKI Water Technology and the parties behind the CoRe Water concept have signed a declaration of intent to carry out joint research.
The CoRe Water concept represents a highly innovative approach to the treatment of waste water, and aims to (1) bring about the reuse of water and valuable raw materials, (2) reduce greenhouse gas emissions, (3) significantly reduce the emissions of medicines and (4) stimulate modular construction.
Successful trial
The membrane filtration, one of the key steps of the CoRe Water concept, was successfully tested in 2017 at a scale of 0.2 m3 / h at the Simpelveld site of Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg. “These tests have given us the confidence to continue and go further with up-scaling the process. We look forward to working on this together with the CoRe Water team and the Vallei en Veluwe and Rijn en IJssel water boards “says Guus Pelzer, director of Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg. The parties behind CoRe Water are Allied Waters, BLUE-tec, KWR and Royal Haskoning DHV.
Three regions
Beginning on 1st May 2018, the research, will be carried out in three different locations, each with its own purpose. Water board Vallei en Veluwe wants to investigate how the purified water flow can be put to good use in urban water management. The Rijn en IJssel Water Board focuses on the valorisation of components from the concentrate flow and the local utilization from the circular economy concept. Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg wants to conduct research into scaling-up the technology and investigate in which applications, such as industry and agriculture, the purified water in the region can be used.
Collaboration between water boards, industry and the knowledge world
TKI Water Technology will financially support the CoRe Water Progam. TKI Water Technology is part of the Top Sector Water & Maritime and supports research and development in public/private partnerships (PPP). Joke Cuperus, chairman of the TKI board since autumn 2017 says “CoRe Water is a wonderful example of cooperation between water boards, industry and the knowledge world. This is what TKI Water Technology is all about.”

Left to right: Coert Petri (Waterschap Rijn en IJssel), Jos Boere (Allied Waters), Lex van Dijk (BLUE-tec), Danny Traksel (Royal HaskoningDHV), Wim van Vierssen (KWR), Joke Cuperus (TKI Watertechnologie), Guus Pelzer, (Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg), Douwe Jan Tilkema (Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe)